Thursday, December 19

Smart Construction launches social housing project

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Established in 2018, the goal of this new housing project is to ensure that every Gambian owns a home.

At the launch of the new service, Ba Samba Drammeh, executive managing partner for Smart Construction said the move is necessitated due to the rapid population growth amid housing needs of ordinary Gambians.

“There are lots of real estates, but as a company, we want to cater for the needs of Gambians, because we know that the way housing is going at some point it would be unaffordable in the country.”

Drammeh explained that their plan is to make sure every Gambian owns a home, despite one’s little income, thus the new social housing project. “It is not just to make money.”

Velma Wright, business development manager, outlined the objective of Smart Construction, saying the company focuses mainly on civil engineering, construction and project management.

“We have designated one land side that we are going to start as first housing project for the people in The Gambia.” she said.

The risk of housing crisis in Africa, she declared, is increasing due to population growth and rapid developments.

She explained that by 2040, Africa is projected to have the largest workforce in the world.

Papa Njie, who spoke on housing as a human right, disclosed that more than 1.8 billion people worldwide lacks adequate housing and that annually two million people are forcibly evicted from their houses.
