Friday, October 18

Letters: Gambia’s History With Abhorrent Leadership

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Dear editor,
Our tiny country has had its fair share of abhorrent leadership failures since Independence some 55 years ago but our experience through the last quarter century has been sneeringly difficult. From Jammeh’s government that brutalized us, debased our rights and assaulted our dignity to Barrow’s administration that is disrespecting and abandoning us in the midst of a global calamity, very few situations had demanded more courage, endured more pain and required more sacrifice to ensure our very own survival as a people.

Yet, through it all, Gambians have become defining examples of conscience, of care and of humanity. We have seen it in the courage of female Police Officers directing traffic under the scorching Sun and battering rain. We have experienced it in the sacrifice of our healthcare workers who expose themselves to greater risks to take care of the sick, treat the injured and comfort the dying. We have observed it in the inspiring humanity of groups and volunteers who go out of their way to provide relief assistance to families and communities in need. In these examples and in many other instances, we bask in the assurance that when our governments fail, ordinary Gambians step up to the plate to take care of their fellow citizens. We neither forsake nor abandon each other and we show strength and unity in the face of serious existential threat.

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Our job has been cut out for us again. We are obligated to respond to the call and rise above the challenges and join forces in taking care of our people. Use your voice, your pen, your time, your money and your knowledge/skills to help protect our people and save their lives.

To President Barrow, his government’s confusing hands-off approach to our issues, we see you and we hear you loud and clear. While we continue to call you out for your ineptitude and inefficiencies, our clear, unmistakable response awaits you in 2021 when our collective indignation and disappointment will be matched by our voices and vote to kick you and your cronies out and end the nightmare of your failing leadership once and for all. Make no mistake!

Zakaria Kemo Conteh
Queens, USA

COVID-19 hits home – speedy recovery
my people – follow regulations – stay safe

Dear editor,
I am shocked, worried and concerned if not confused by the number of cases registered in Latrikunda Sabiji Constituency. A highly populated area with a lots of people in their 50s and sizeable youth population.

This news has been received with great shocked – it’s also hitting hard the two biggest wards in the constituency which are Faji Kunda and Abuko Wards. Who knows how far this has gone – we are already on our knees.

Cognizant that we are living in uncertain times, this pandemic is a threat to human existence exemplified by the world health experts being victims- this virus is no respecter of persons or positions or age! Let’s wake up and prevent this disaster.

Taking reference on the covid-19 updates by the Ministry of Health on the 3rd August, 2020 – the report states that Faji Kunda ward has 5 confirmed cases and Abuko with 2 cases. This has brought a great deal of panic to the two wards and I am calling them to keep calm as the virus cannot be defeated with fear but rather a call of togetherness to face one common enemy. I am acutely aware that every single case reporter has the ability of another 5 to 10 cases unreported. We need to treat ourselves as COVID-19 patients and take the recommendations for recovery.

With Covid-19, you are either infected or affected and my heart goes out to all those infected with the virus and am praying for their speedy recovery. COVID-19 is not a death sentence, you can recover from it and continue to live a normal and fulfilled life. Get tested and help end the pandemic now.

As there has never been a debate of whether we shall die but when, same theory needs to be applied that unless we follow the regulations, it’s a matter of when we all shall be infected but not if we shall be infected. The good news is- All is in our hands!
I send you all a message of hope, love and care during these difficult moments – we shall overcome.

My people – after rain comes sunshine – this too shall pass.
I wish those infected the best of recovery

Former GDC NA candidate

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