Friday, October 18

Letters: Letter To Grade 12 Students

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Your exams came at a time when the outbreak of the novel Corona virus (COVID-19) caught the world by surprise and continues to hold all sectors of the society at ransom. The human race and republics are faced with threat of extinction by the virus.

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Unemployment increases by observation and poverty could be at the highest rise by all indications. This led states around the world taking stringent and aggressive measures to curb the virus.

Unfortunately, evidence of community transmission of Covid-19, its surge and the rise in Covid-19 related deaths; in The Gambia came at a time when your exams near (17-08-2020). This combined could cause some stress and may manifest in your exams. You could overcome these very well with courage and hard work. I trust you all, be strong; you will win. Read well; never give up; never give in; and judiciously use your little available digital spaces to engage your teachers.

Events in the world come with challenges. Some challenges come to you in forms of eventualities and some are obvious. But with prayers to God, dedication, and hard work, problems are easily overcome.

I remember in 2012, as poor student even the poorest student by then at Nusrat Senior Secondary, I could not fully pay for my school book supply.

Consequently, I had inadequate supply of textbooks and more crazily approved literature text books for examination as an Arts/Government Student, but with extra efforts and dedication, I overcame the psychological effects, trauma and learning challenges that accompanied my unfortunate situation.

These crazy challenges and misfortunate kept following me at the Gambia College and University of the Gambia. With usual perseverance, dedication and faith, I can happily tell you that I am now paying my university fees by myself. By December, I will be graduating with Bachelors of Science in Political Science God willing.

Although my situation is not an exceptional one and not as frustrating as yours, but just to tell you that no situation is permanent.

As politician in game will say ‘Extra-ordinary times requires extra-ordinary measures;’ with extra-ordinary measures on your side and help from your hardworking teachers, you will be fine.

It important for the state to take very stringent and aggressive measure at this point in time to break the community chain of transmission of Covid-19 and virtually curb the virus with the support of Gambians including you; the students of Grade 12 and your colleagues in lower grades by adhering to all scientific measures put in place to stop the spread.

Do not be part of the people who only obey the state for only fear of its extra-ordinary coercive power or fear of punishment, but for the fact that state powers and legitimacy are driven from us, the sovereign people. At this time the state needs our support more than ever.

Indeed there are indications of massive mismanagement of Covid-19 funds, but this time let’s focus on the measures to curb Covid-19 first and then the state will be held accountable later. It is a known theory that “Government is the greatest monster.” The monster must be checked soon.

I wish you a successful exam in advance. Stay safe!
Yours in service of the state,

Sanna Badjie
Kombo Kerewan

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