Saturday, October 19

Imam Tafsir Gaye passes away

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He was born at 43 Lancaster Street, Banjul to Biram Gaye and Yai Fatou Ndure, “both of whom were Banjulians to the core.”

He tutored many students to become learned Islamic scholars and imams; such as: Imam Pa Njie, Imam Alhaji Masamba Senghore, Imam Masamba Jagne, Imam Kabirr Mboob, Imam Muntaha Fye and Imam Morr Laye Nyan among others, may Allah be pleased with all of them.


“Imam Alhaji Tafsir Gaye in 1966 completed his Islamic and Arabic Studies in Tivaouane, Senegal, and in 1974 he completed his Secondary School Certificate in Cairo, Egypt. In 1983, he bagged a Bachelor of Arts and Education Degree at the prestigious Al-Azhar University, also in Cairo.

Professional Career

Imam Gaye was appointed head teacher at Muslim High School in 1971, and in 1985 employed as Broadcaster of Islamic Programmes on Radio Gambia.

As a result of his commitment and dedication to the service of humanity, Imam Gaye had one time served as Chairman of the Ministry of Education’s Sub-Committee of the Scholarships Advisory Committee. In 1988, he became the Deputy Imam of Banjul, and in 1993 served as a member of UNICEF’s Department of Social Welfare Task Force set up to address the problem of street children.

In what could be described as a very productive life in the public domain, Imam Tafsir Gaye in 1999 also served as a member of the Department of State for Education’s Madrassa Technical Panel. He was a regular contributor to Daily Observer’s weekly Islamic Column (WAHTANI AJUMA), and also served as a member of the ECOWAS Selected Elders Reconciliation Committee.


Imam Gaye’s role in the spread of the Islamic faith earned him a medal from the late Libyan leader Muamar Ghadaffi through Islamic Call Organisation. He served as the representative of the Khalifa General de Tijan of Tivaouane to The Gambia. His appointment to this position was made possible through the late Khalifa General of Tivaouane Sering Abdul Az-iz Sey and Sering Monsour Sey (Borom Daraji).

Imam Tafsir Gaye also served as a conferencier during annual Islamic conferences in The Gambia and beyond. In 1969, he attended an Islamic Conference in Moscow, Russia alongside the then Imam Ratib of Banjul, Momodou Lamin Bah. In 1989, he took part in another Islamic Conference in Morocco with the late Imam Ratib of Banjul Alhaji Abdoulie Jobe. Imam Tafsir Gaye is an erudite scholar who authored several publications on the teachings of Islam.
