Saturday, October 19

Kanifing General Hospital converted to covid-19 treatment centre

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According to the director of Health Services Dr. Mustapha Bittaye, the move was prompted by the increasing demand for bed space for covid-19 patients in the country.

The hospital management held an extraordinary meeting on Friday 14 August 2020 to discuss strategies and mechanisms for the smooth transition of the hospital to a Covid-19 Treatment facility.

Meanwhile, the following sub-committees were constituted:

1. Training and Capacity Development: This committee was tasked to arrange and execute the training of all staff (both clinical and support staff) on infection prevention and control. In addition, all doctors and nurses will be trained on Case Management of COVID-19 patients (including invasive and non-invasive procedures).

2. Logistics and Supply Chain: This committee has been assigned the responsibility of developing a comprehensive list of drugs, equipment and supplies required for safe and efficient service delivery.

3. Staff Engagement and Welfare Committee: This committee was tasked to prepare a staff incentive package (financial and non-financial rewards). It was also assigned the responsibility of developing support systems for staff who become infected from the work environment as well as their immediate families. The Committee will hold meetings with all departments of the hospital in order to prepare staff psychologically for the tasks ahead.

“The hospital management at this challenging moment of our country’s history solicits the cooperation, support and understanding of all as it continues to work with relevant stakeholders towards providing the right and conducive environment for staff to operate safely and efficiently.”
