Sunday, October 20

Sentenced driver faces manslaughter charges

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The suspect was recently convicted and sentenced by the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court on various counts ranging from dangerous driving to careless driving among others.

Gaye pleaded guilty before Magistrate Sarr of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court on the 6th August, 2020, for recklessly killing three young men in a car accident around Senegambia and Kotu area.

He was convicted and sentenced to a fine of D2000 in default to serve one year imprisonment, D1000 in default to serve one year imprisonment and D8000 in default to serve one year imprisonment for dangerous, reckless and careless driving.

He was ordered to pay a compensation of D50,000 for each of the victims at the end of August,2020, in default to serve four years imprisonment. The court had ordered the revocation of his license for five years.

Magistrate Sarr granted him bail in the sum of D150,000 with three Gambian sureties. The sentences would run concurrently.

However, Gambians, both home and abroad have reacted to the outcome of the case, with many condemning it as outrageous. The suspect, since then, was rearrested and detained by police and the matter was reinvestigated.

He is now expected to reappear before a court of law.
