Sunday, October 20

By The Light of This Window

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Still, we are grateful, for the reminders and revelations this year’s turmoils have brought with them. Always, there is a silver lining.

Do you not see

By the light of this window which has opened

How bleak and dead our room has been

Draw the curtains apart let the light flood in

Let’s us be reminded as the breeze blows in

I know you see

By the gap of this window which has opened

How the creatures fly in who bite and sting

Swap at the flies and protect your kin

But let us be reminded as the breeze blows in

Do you not see

That there is a world outside begging to come in

That birds still sit on perches and sing

That the earth still gives to the planter of seed

That for all beings to thrive they must live in synchrony

Do you not see

In the stillness of the street

How the roof of your car had hidden the sky

This evening sky which makes your soul sing

As you look through the gap of this window’s opening

Do you not see

The givers who had forgotten how to give

Have remembered themselves and opened their palms

And the lovers whose love was stowed away

Have found their hearts and for love made way

I know you see

How the takers cannot but take

By the light of this window which has opened

They scuffle for the riches of this bleak and dead room

They are not reminded by the breeze which blows in

Do you not see

By the light of this window which has opened

That there is more to life than this bleak and dead room

We can open the door too and be swallowed by this light

We can disappear into the bliss of purpose and love

You can find more of the author’s work on her blog, Of Womanness And Wild Dreams.
