Tuesday, October 22

GRA boss hails PEs for boosting Voluntary Tax Compliance

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He said GRA was able to collect D1 billion in a month due to the high sense of commitment demonstrated by Public Enterprise companies in boosting voluntary tax compliance.

The GRA boss made these remarks recently in an exclusive interview on West Coast Radio’s popular programme ‘Coffee Time With Peter Gomez’.

According to CG Darboe, their past experience to temporally close down certain companies for default to settle their tax obligations has strongly yielded dividend.

The GRA boss added that this deterrent made many companies to voluntarily come forward to settle their taxes to avert such from happening to them again.

He described Public Enterprise companies’ compliance as a step in the right direction as taxes collected are meant for national development.

Mr. Darboe reiterated that it is not in GRA’s interest to close any company or institute or take legal action against any company.

The GRA boss further emphasised that without voluntary tax compliance from Public Enterprise companies, his office would find it very difficult to collect D1 billon in a month on average.

He further stated that despite the coronavirus pandemic causing devastating effects this year, it is unlike previous years where GRA had taken legal action against certain institutions and companies.

 He therefore commended Public Enterprise companies for their bold steps in coming forward voluntarily to settle their tax obligations.

Mr. Darboe stated that GRA’s doors are open for companies and institutions that have difficulties paying their taxes on time to make payment plan with them.

He said in entering into that payment plan, both parties sign an agreement on how to settle the payment, noting that such agreements must be respected.

According to C-G Darboe, one of GRA’s objectives is to maximise revenue collection for national development.

The GRA boss therefore called on all companies to voluntarily come forward and settle their tax obligations, saying despite the pandemic, GRA will not relent in its efforts to execute its mandate to collect the much needed revenue for government.

He further revealed that GRA was tasked by government to collect D12. 5 billion but due to the covid-19 pandemic, the annual target for 2020 revenue has been reviewed and revised in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.

The Authority’s target for this year is now set at D10.1 billion, meaning The Gambia government loses over D2 billion revenue.

He said this target is anticipated at 13.1 percent or D1.4 billion nominal growth over the 2019 annual revenue collection of 9.1 billion revenue growth.

According to C-G Darboe, from January to March, GRA has collected D3 billion, representing an average of over D1 billion a month.
