Tuesday, October 22

Agric Minister Faburay fully recovers, discharged

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Edition: Friday, September 11, 2020 at 12:41 PM


Accordingly, Minister Faburay has since been discharged and is fit to return to work as she is well.

“It can be recalled that Madam Faburay had initially tested positive for covid-19 on 1 August 2020,” a dispatch from the Spokesperson of the Office of The Government states.

“Subsequently, Hon. Amie Faburay tested negative after a repeat test and discharged from the Covid treatment centre on 8 September, 2020.”

“The Gambia government urges members of the public to continue following the Covid-19 Regulations outlined by The Health Ministry and World Health Organization on the Covid pandemic.” “Hand washing, face covering, social distancing and limited social gatherings are the new normal and all are encouraged to follow.”

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