Wednesday, October 23

NDMA Reveals 51, 000 People Affected By Natural Disasters This Year

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By Aisha Tamba

A total of 51,618 persons from 2,847 households have so far been affected by natural disasters like flash floods, windstorms and fire outbreaks across the country, according to the National Disaster Management Agency, NDMA.

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The Agency also reported in its disaster management situation report covering January 1 to September 22 obtained by The Standard that the affected families need food assistance, shelter and clothing as most of them are poor, vulnerable and find it very difficult to meet their basic needs.

The report revealed that out of the number, 11,604 are internally displaced, 14,663 are infants, 4,113 pregnant and lactating mothers and 1,586 differently abled.

“Some farmlands were washed away by the rains particularly in NBR and part of CRR while 222 households reported that they lost some of their seeds due to fire outbreaks, floods and windstorms,” the report said.

It also reported that 8 schools [Conteh Kunda, Baati Ndarr, Galleh Manda, Kusalang, Nyanga Bantang, St Theresa’s (Fuladu), Sere Bayo, Tuba Woppa] have suffered damages caused by windstorms.

“A total of 465 sanitary facilities and 259 water points are affected nationwide. The URR and WCR are the most affected regions with about 58% of the affected population, the rest of the regions cumulatively have a population of 21,664 affected.

Meanwhile, NDMA has just concluded an emergency procurement committee meeting for the procurement of food and non-food items from the D10 million dalasi tentatively approved by Government of the Gambia targeting more than 1,000 households across the country.

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