Thursday, October 24

Barrow: Gambia is where highest standards of good governance are upheld

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Speaking at the foundation stone laying of Basse market, President Barrow added that citizens have to enjoy access to basic services and the enabling environment is created for the private sector to thrive.

“It is vividly evident that my government has taken giant strides towards the achievement of these noble objectives, as witnessed by the construction of this important regional market. At present, we have a number of similar major infrastructure projects in Basse and other parts of Upper River Region (URR), including roads and bridges. Many projects will be brought to the communities of URR.”

He further clarified that the Basse market project is fully funded by The Gambia government at an estimated cost of one hundred million dalasis (D100 million).

He said the design and supervision of the market was delegated to The Gambia Agency for the Management of Public Works (GAMWORKS).

“The new Basse market will be built to modern international standards and of high quality. It will accommodate one hundred and eighty-five (185) single shops, two (2) mini-markets, a shed for about thirty-five (35) women vegetable sellers, and another for twenty-five (25) fishmongers and butchers. In addition, a mosque, market manager’s office, waste collection area and toilet facilities will be provided.”
