Thursday, October 24

Former Central Bank Governor Jammeh Dismisses Rumours

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By Mustapha Jallow

Bakary Jammeh, the former Governor of the Central Bank Monday clarified that he did not say or write anything regarding whether or not he will complete his five year term of office at the aforesaid bank contrary to what is trending on social media.

He told Foroyaa: “It’s not true. I never say that neither did I write it.”

When asked whether he has reported to his new place of assignment as Trade Minister, he responded: “Well, it’s premature for me to make comments on that as now, but whenever I want to make comment I call the press for briefing.”

A staff of the Central Bank Monday told Foroyaa on condition of anonymity that the new appointee Buah Saidy is in office.

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The press release issued by the Presidency reads: “President Adama Barrow in exercise of the powers conferred on him under Sections 71 (1) and 71 (3) of the Constitution of the Republic of the Gambia, has appointed Bakary Jammeh, Governor of the Central Bank of The Gambia as Minister for Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment with effect from the 1st of October 2020.”

“Consequently, President Barrow in exercise of the powers conferred on him under Section 162 (2) of the Constitution appoints Buah Saidy, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs as Governor of the Central Bank of the Gambia, also with effect from 1st October 2020.”
