Blind Early This Year, Helpless Teacher In Dire Need Of Assistance

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Kumba Gaye is a teacher who is suffering from a brain tumor which led to her loss of sight in both eyes. The twenty-eight year old lady was teaching at Rainbow nursery and primary school for seven years before she lost her sight, early this year.

One day I was at school teaching and I realized my left eye was blurry. I went outside and said to my colleagues that something was wrong with my eye and I needed to rush to the hospital.

She said the following morning she woke up and her sight was gone and she could not believe it at first, “First I thought it was a dream but later came to realize it is real that I cannot see and it was so shocking to me and I started crying and calling my sister for help.”

Kumba said she is the breadwinner of her family and now she has to depend on her elder sister for everything as she cannot do anything for herself and family like before, “I feel useless and worthless but I believe that God is in control and I will never stop believing in him ever with this condition.”

I am in desperate need of money to go for overseas treatment to regain my sight before it is too late, so am appealing to everyone who came across this story to help me please.”

Fatou Gaye, the elder sister to Kumba said she is still trying to grasp her sister’s situation because it comes as a shock to the entire family and colleagues, “Anytime I look at her in this condition I cry because she is someone who was so helpful to the family, hardworking and ambitious lady.”

Kumba lived with her elder sister Fatou who is a unemployed and it was Kumba who was helping her financial and paying her children school fees, “She pretty much takes care of all of us in this house and when school reopens my children were asking why aunty Kumba has not bought them new uniforms and books this time around.”

Kumba Gaye with a toddler in her school when her visibility was intact

Her situation saddened all of us because she is a young single lady and we are now afraid that if she doesn’t get the assistance she needs she may end up never getting married.

Abie Jobe has been working with Kumba for the last couple of years and according to her, Kumba is a very hardworking and regular teacher and everyone at Rainbow school loves and adores her, especially the kids. “We are all saddened at what happened to her and the pupils at school keep asking us where Miss Gaye is day-in day-out and we feel sad anytime they ask.”

Mrs Jobe said the school is trying to help raise money for her overseas treatment but the public and join hands to help so that the young teacher can regain her sight as soon as possible.

I worked with Kumba for the few months but the little time I spent with her at Rainbow is a clear testimony that she is an excellent teacher and always ready to learn and very jovial towards everyone at the school.” Says Edward Gyimah, a colleague to Kumba

Edward said he was shocked to the core and dumbfounded when he heard about the news that Kumba has lost her sight. “We are appealing to everyone to help this brilliant teacher regain her sight before it is too late.”

The family needs support either in cash or kind to take care of Kumba’s medical needs and the family can be reached via this number: 7206609 Fatou Gaye (Kumba’s elder sister).

Below is Kumba’s medical report from the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH)
