Saturday, September 21

@WHOGAMBIA: #VaccineEquity is the launching ? pad and #Solidarity is the only way forward to defeat the common enemy: #COVID19. Thanks ?? for sharing vaccines and ensuring that no one is left behind. #AGoal4All

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#VaccineEquity is the launching ? pad and #Solidarity is the only way forward to defeat the common enemy: #COVID19. Thanks ?? for sharing vaccines and ensuring that no one is left behind. #AGoal4All– WHO Gambia (@WHOGAMBIA) August 2, 2021#VaccineEquity is the launching ? pad and #Solidarity is the only way forward to defeat the common enemy: #COVID19. Thanks ?? for sharing vaccines and ensuring that no one is left behind. #AGoal4All– WHO Gambia (@WHOGAMBIA) August 2, 2021
