Tuesday, May 7

@MohGambia: MoH concluded a ToT for 200 health/social Workers on Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response and Grievance Management. Objective is to prepare staffs to implement GBV/GRM Management tools for MoH projects Thanks to @WorldBank @WorldBankAfrica @WBG_Health for the support

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MoH concluded a ToT for 200 health/social Workers on Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response and Grievance Management. Objective is to prepare staffs to implement GBV/GRM Management tools for MoH projects Thanks to @WorldBank @WorldBankAfrica @WBG_Health for the support pic.twitter.com/HOr157SXQ4– Ministry of Health Gambia (@MohGambia) October 12, 2021MoH concluded a ToT for 200 health/social Workers on Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response and Grievance Management. Objective is to prepare staffs to implement GBV/GRM Management tools for MoH projects Thanks to @WorldBank @WorldBankAfrica @WBG_Health for the support pic.twitter.com/HOr157SXQ4– Ministry of Health Gambia (@MohGambia) October 12, 2021
