Friday, October 18


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The Deputy Leader of the former ruling APRC party Ousman Jatta, AKA Rambo, has vowed that they are not going to allow the resigned Justice Minister Abubacarr Tambadou to leave the country to pursue his United Nations job, Freedom Newspaper can report. Jatta said he is going to mobilize the APRC supporters to block the traffic and prevent Tambadou from leaving the country. He insists that Tambadou must account for the assets of dictator Jammeh, that he sold. “Baa Tambadou, you are not going to escape. Baa Tambadou, you are not going to leave this country, unless you tell us where are Jammeh’s assets,” Rambo Jatta said in the local Mandinka dialect. His stern message to Baa Tambadou was contained in a Whatsapp audio.

“Baa Tambadou, we are not scared. There is no fear in us. We will mercilessly deal with you. We will deal with you to a point that you will hate your job as a lawyer. We are not useless sons. Baa, you are not the type of son, who can fight Yahya Jammeh.You became brave, following the birth of your so-called corrupt coalition government,” he added.

Tambadou has resigned from the Barrow government. He had secured a job with the United Nations.

The Jammeh supporters are not happy with him. The likes of Rambo Jatta have accused Tambadou of selling Jammeh’s assets without following the necessary legal due process.

Jatta has branded Tambadou as a fake Muslim. He said it is about time for Gambians to fear Muslims, whose foreheads had a black spot. He said such folks are fake Muslims.

“Our country has been compromised by vultures. The country is at the mercy of the corrupt technocrats. They are all corrupt. Their level of education manifests their level of criminality. We were able to deliver to the expectations of Gambians. They claimed that their government is filled with educated folks and yet no meaningful development has been recorded. The Gambia is today at crossroads. There is massive retrogression in this country. Nothing is working,” Jatta said.

Jatta said they will do everything in their means to stop Baa Tambadou from leaving the country. He has accused Tambadou of treating the APRC supporters as fools.

“You think that we are dumb. We are not dumb. We are just law abiding.
In Africa, if you want to be a politician and you don’t want to go to prison, then it’s better for you to quit politics,” he remarked.

According to Rambo Jatta, Baa Tambadou and co had allegedly defied the Janneh Commission’s recommendation for the sale of Jammeh’s assets.

“Alpha Barry was paid his ten percent, according to the information received. He is related to Fatoumatta Tambajang. Ba Tambadou, what is wrong? President Adama Barrow, Jatto Jatta, is the one talking to you. If you let Ba Tambadou, leave the shores of this country, then know that he has put you in a big mess that you cannot clean yourself from. This is my advice to you my President. I will not be rude, and I cannot be rude, but Mr. President, it seems that it difficult to talk you for you to understand. We do not hate you, and we will never hate you. We do not pray for your failure because if you failed the country fails. But Mr. President, you must take advice from the opposite site. Honestly speaking. Do listen to what we say sometimes. We do not have any ill feeling for you. We wish you all the best until God would end your rule. Keep in mind that there are wolves in sheep clothing around you, they are the ones, who surrounded you. They are just there to fill their stomachs,” he said.

“Augustus Promp was charging ten percent of the sale of each asset of Jammeh. Despite the controversies surrounding the Commission, they said ten percent was too much. They said it should be reduced to three percent.” He added.

Jatta’s above statements are inconsistent. He first claimed that ten percent was paid to Alpha Barry for facilitating the sale of Jammeh’s assets. He made a similar statement about Augustus Promp. Promp was the Accountant hired to oversee Jammeh’s assets.

“We later understand that they ignored the Commission’s recommendation. They had a committee that was headed by one Alpha Barry, who is a relative of Fatoumatta Jallow Tambajang, the former Vice President. Baa Tambadou, this country is small. The Gambia is the smallest country on the continent. Secrets can hardly be concealed at the family level. If you cough, others will hear it. Secondly, be careful of APRC, we are well connected to the system. Whatever you are doing, we are aware of it. Our list is almost concluded. Baa Tambadou, by the time we are done dealing with you, legally, you will regret why you learn law. You will come to find out that you are nothing, that there is nothing of substance in your head,” he said.

Jatta insists that Tambadou must explain how he disposed Jammeh’s assets. He added that the current regime is more corrupt than the Jammeh administration.

“You claimed that during our time, there was no rule of law, at least we are better than you. The Justice Minister of The Gambia has been involved in such illegality, corruption. I think we are living in another planet different from The Gambia, but you Gambians you deserve it. You are the ones, who sought for such a government and God has given it to you. Alpha Barry was paid his ten percent, according to the information I received. He is related to Fatoumatta Tambajang. Ba Tambadou, what is wrong?” he asked.

“Chey Gambia Jangfa Mang beteeh (Betrayal is not good). Many Gambians are wicked,” he added.

Jatta has also accused Tambadou of claiming Jammeh’s credit in the Myanmar genocide case. He said without Jammeh, that case would not have been attended to by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

“The Myanmar case that he took to the ICC was Jammeh’s project. It was funded by the government of Saudi Arabia. It was not Baa’s own initiation. He wouldn’t tell you that, he is dishonest. It was President Jammeh, who started that case; they found the case file at the State House. He has done nothing,” Jatta remarked.

Jatta has also accused certain Gambians of being envious of Yahya Jammeh. He called out Nyang Njie, a Gambian economist, and also a former staffer of the OIC.

“On the whole, all these people, shouting and attacking Yahya Jammeh, they were after his assets. They envied Jammeh, they want to be like him, but they didn’t know how. Nyang Njie, the Range Rover that you are driving, can you come out and tell Gambians, how you got that car. Please tell us how much you bought it for. This is why, when I picked on you, you will run to the police to file a complaint against me. I am not afraid of the police. Remember that I was unlawfully detained for 387 days by the police. I am not scared of Mile two prison, talk less of the police. You cannot stop me from talking. I must talk. It is time to talk. We are not going to falsely accuse anyone. We are not going to insult anyone. But it is time to talk and Rambo Jatto Jatta will talk, whether you like it or not,” he said.

“Nyang Njie, come and explain to the Gambian people how you got that Range Rover and how much you bought it. We want to know. I am not going to fight anyone. We will show you how to use the law in the right way,” he added.

Jatta had also commented on the sacking of Lamin Darboe, the former acting Executive Secretary for Gambia’s National Youth Council.

“We also learned that Lamin Darboe of the National Youth Service has been dismissed. There are some groups that are preparing to organize a protest march. The Gambia is full of people, who are not serious, players. How many people have been sacked in this country and demonstrations were not organized? Why should this one be treated differently? Is it because Lamin Darboe is UDP? Is Lamin Darboe the only capable Gambian who can handle that position? Hey, let us stop fooling each other. We should stop the hypocrisy. This country belongs to all of us. If you guys think that you own this country, can you show us your certificate of ownership? We are all equal in this country. No tribe is bigger than the other. Get that.” he said.

Jatta has also took a swipe at the European Union Ambassador to The Gambia. He has accused the EU Ambassador of trying to legalize gay marriage in the impoverished West African nation, a charge the EU Ambassador has repeatedly denied.

Written By Pa Nderry M’Bai

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 919-749-6319

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