Monday, October 21


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We need to take our country back!

The proprietor of the Fatu Network Fatu Camara has called on Gambians to take their country back from President Adama Barrow, after branding Barrow as Gambia’s most grateful person to ever occupy that seat of power. Fatu spoke on Tuesday in a Facebook live broadcast, in which she called on The Gambian citizenry to come together and vote Barrow out of office come 2021, when the country’s elections are due. Fatu said she started losing confidence in President Barrow and his administration, when Barrow credited himself for the 2016 political change. She noted that Barrow’s false claims had exposed his ungratefulness as a leader. She added that the 2016 change would not had happened without the immense participation and contribution of Gambians both at home and in the diaspora. Therefore, she said it is dishonest for Barrow to claim credit for the political change.

According to Fatu Camara, instead of sticking to the transitional agenda, Barrow, whom she branded as a hungry President, has resorted to personal development. She said Barrow had built two mansions at his native home Mankamangkunda within three years of his Presidency. She said despite all the corruption and negative issues associated with dictator Jammeh, Jammeh hasn’t done what has done.

“Some of them came very hungry. Greed came in. People become too greedy. We all knew that some of the people that came were very hungry because they never had any opportunity to live certain kind of life. So, when they came in, we think these people are going make a difference, take care of the hospital, take care of the water issues that we have, the electricity problems that we have; that was all of us were expecting, and we knew, and I am not going naive here, we knew that was going to be fast, it was going to be process and it was going take time. But all started losing hope in all this, when we saw that there was no roadmap and there is still nor roadmap,” she said.

“There is no direction, we don’t know where we are heading to. Do we have a road map? We don’t know where we are going. I once did an interview with Freedom and I said The Gambia is on an autopilot,” she added.

Fatu told her followers on Facebook that the time has come for Gambians to come together and salvage the country’s Barrow’s hopeless rule. She said clarified that such a change should be pursued democratically and not through illegal means.

“The onus is on us to bring about the change that we want. Most of our people are selfish. Some of the people, who were fighting us are defending something indefensible. No sane person will tell you that all what this government is doing is the right thing. I talk to young people. The Gambia has 60 percent or 65 percent of young people in that country. They are all frustrated. They don’t have jobs. There is absolutely nothing there for young people to be engaged in,” she remarked.

“You talk to women; it is the same thing. All that they use women for is for us to be clapping for them, run after their political parties. Look at what is happening right now, we said we are in a state of emergency, every day you have meetings going around. NPP going here, going there, having meetings with everyone, when are not in any political season. But instead of sitting down and thinking about what you have done as NPP since we came, no, they are not interested in that, all they are interested in is to make sure that they stay in power. And if make sure that this new draft constitution is not passed, what would going to happen is that we would not have a term limit, and if we do not have a term limit, and we let NPP gain in power in 2021, what is going to happen is another 20, 30 years, then they would go to a point that they would be entrenched. Then we invest and there is nothing that we can do. Look at the women in other political parties joining them because of the promises that they are giving them,” she said.

Ms. Camara has also called on Gambians to stop running after a government that is not responsive to their plight. She called out the likes of Amie Bojang Sissoho and co for their culture of leaking and kissing a regime that is out of touch with realities on the ground. She said it is sad that the people, she fought with to restore democracy in The Gambia, have now sold out to the Barrow rule by defending the indefensible.

The Barrows, according to Fatu, ascended to the Presidency, hungry and malnourished.

His wife is 40 something years, but she is not older than me. Look at her first photo. She appeared old in her first photo. Look at her photo today. So, we change them. So, if you change people like that you don’t expect them to walk over you. The reason why we put them in government is for them to work and deliver and make things happen. So, if we don’t have that, what we have to do is to change them and bring whoever we think can do the job. So, if that person comes in and he did not deliver we can change him,” she remarked.

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