Tuesday, October 22

NAM Accuses UDP Of Being Unfair To APRC

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By Mafugi Ceesay

The National Assembly member for Foni Bintang-Karanai, Momodou Camara has accused the United Democratic Party of being behind all the noise surrounding the rumoured APRC and NPP alliance. He argued that the yellow party has not been fair to the former ruling party.

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“We never complained about our strong members cross-carpeting to the UDP and they themselves are even consulting us to have a coalition with them but they never made any noise about that,” he told The Standard.

He continued: “Why are they now making so much noise about NPP having talks with APRC? All the political parties are consulting APRC for a possible coalition but nothing is said about that until when it was suggested that the APRC is having talks with NPP. The UDP is not comfortable with that and they do not want us to have a coalition with NPP because they know we are the deciding factor.”

Camara said prominent members of the APRC party are joining almost all the political parties in the country, including UDP but they never talk about that.
“Eight political parties came together in a coalition to remove Jammeh from office. Nobody found anything wrong with that or questioned that. So why should people have to question the ARPC and NPP coalition? Is it a crime for the APRC to form a coalition with NPP? The noise is a clear explanation that APRC remains the deciding factor,” he pointed out.

Camara further argued that former president Jammeh, despite being the founding father of the APRC does not own the party, adding that the party belongs to the members. “The masses should know the difference between Jammeh and APRC. The allegations coming from the TRRC do not necessarily mean that all are true and we know also Jammeh made so many mistakes during his time, but that is not reason enough to say that APRC is a bad party,” Camara noted.

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