Saturday, October 19

Business Tycoons Urge Gambians To Help Barrow Succeed – The Standard Newspaper

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By Olimatou Coker

Two top Gambian businessmen have urged citizens to put aside political differences and help President Adama Barrow to complete his mandate and the ongoing reforms of his administration.

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The managing director of GACH, Abubacarr Jawara and Star FM & Television boss Haji Baniko Sissoho were speaking to The Standard yesterday. They added that Gambians, especially political parties must not watch and allow President Barrow to fail.
“It is my conviction that the successful mandate of the president is a project for all Gambians because his success will benefit all Gambians and lay a golden foundation for any new government that comes after. We cannot afford to fail this time around as a country. Success for the president will lay a good foundation for his successor and therefore it is in our interest that we support him to succeed,” Haji Baniko told The Standard.

The Star media group CEO said there is little or nothing to gain in the current fighting in politics because a country does not stop at one level.
“We must not allow any politician to divide us. We must not continue fighting Barrow – we should give him our support for him to succeed so that when he leaves office, the person replacing him will find a very strong foundation to continue building The Gambia we all want,” he added.

Baniko also reminded Gambians to take the Covid-19 regulations very seriously.
“I want to urge my fellow businessmen to extend their hands to the needy whenever they can. We must try to impact the lives of others whenever we can, during these difficult times,” he added.

Meanwhile, Abubacarr Jawara, the CEO of GACH company commented: “People say that I am close to the president but they forget that I am a Gambian and I have all the right to be close to my president. For those who don’t know, my father used to host former President Jawara in our village and my family has done lot of things for Gambians in this country. I support Barrow because he is the one chosen by God. Those who are bent on destroying Gambians can go ahead. I believe the focus should be how to start encouraging Gambians and that is my task.”

Jawara added that his company is here to develop and create employment and even though the
Covid-19 has been very critical to his business with most of the mining activities stopped, his staff continue to receive their salaries regularly.

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