Tuesday, October 22

CRC translates draft constitution into local languages

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The purpose of the translation of the Draft Constitution is a fulfillment of the promise the CRC made to Gambians during the public consultations to have the Draft Constitution translated into the local languages to enhance citizens’ understanding and awareness of the content of the Draft Constitution.

Delivering on this promise, the Commission has, of recent, translated the content of 20 Chapters of the Draft Constitution into the following languages:  Mandinka, Fula, Wollof, Jola, Manjago, Serere, Sarahule and Aku. There is also a Braille and a Gambian Sign Language versions of the Draft Constitution for the visually impaired and the hard-of-hearing.

The content of the translated chapters of the Draft Constitution in audio-visual format contained in flash drives was distributed to the general populace through their regional authorities and information dissemination outlets such as Governors’ Offices, Chiefs, Area Councils and Community Radios.

The CRC therefore encourages the public to access and listen to these translated versions of the Draft Constitution to deepen their understanding of its contents. The Draft Constitution, in all manner and shape, is people-centered and this is made possible by the overwhelming participation and involvement of Gambians from all walks of life during the consultation process.

Furthermore, the Commission has also distributed copies of the Draft Constitution to Senior Secondary Schools across the country. As integral stakeholders in developing the Draft Constitution, the Senior Secondary Schools have been provided with copies of the Draft Constitution to enable them to learn and strengthen their understanding on the constitutional matters contained in, and to enhance their ownership of, the document. 

Gambians hailed the CRC for not only fulfilling its promise, but also providing the Draft Constitution in their mother-tongue. Recipients of the documents commended the CRC for a job well done, saying it will have a far-reaching impact on the people in terms of dispelling misinformation and misrepresentation of facts about the contents of the Draft Constitution.    

The CRC enjoins the Gambian public to access these translated audio recordings of the Draft Constitution in eight languages to reinforce their understanding of its provisions. It is only through this way that we can collectively protect and inform on the Draft Constitution in its pristine form.

Equally, people can access these translated recordings of the Draft Constitution in local languages at the CRC Website: www.crc220.org.
