Wednesday, October 23

Dr. Tangara receives new UK High Commissioner

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In welcoming His Excellency Belgrove, Minister Tangara congratulated him and expressed the readiness of the Government to continue collaborating with the United Kingdom to consolidate gains registered since the advent of the new democratic dispensation in 2017. He expressed optimism that High Commissioner Belgrove’s tour of duty would be fruitful to both countries.

For his part, High Commissioner Belgrove thanked Minister Tangara for the warm reception accorded to him and assured that the UK Government is committed to working closely with The Gambia Government in the areas of economic growth and also create opportunities that would spur investment. He said his Government intends to initiate a UK – Gambia investment event which will bring results to both countries. He said he is committed to closely work with the Government of The Gambia to bring more results to the Gambian people.

The two also discussed ways and means of strengthening the already cordial bilateral relations between The Gambia and the United Kingdom.

UNICEF Rep presents Letters of Credence

In another diplomatic engagement, the Foreign Minister received the new UNICEF Representative to The Gambia, Mr. Gordon Jonathan, who handed his Letters of Credence to the Minister.

After receiving the Letters of Credence, Minister Tangara commended Mr. Gordon Jonathan and expressed confidence that he would do well considering his wealth of experience in Latin America and in other parts of the world.

Minister Tangara also informed the new UNICEF Rep that the Government of The Gambia is committed to the welfare of women and children. This, he added was the rationale behind the creation of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Children and Social Welfare.

For his part, Mr. Jonathan stated his organisation’s readiness to collaborate and support The Gambia in ensuring quality life for the children. Mr. Lewis expressed delight at the Minister’s assurance that the Government would cordially work with UNICEF in realising quality life for children especially those between the ages of 7 and 14. He said his organisation is already working with the Government in the areas of child protection, back-to-school programme and ensuring the safety of children and their families. These, he said would ensure child survival and protection in the country.

Spanish Charge d’Affaires pays courtesy call

In a similar engagement, the Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs received the Charge d’Affaires of the Diplomatic Antenna of the Kingdom of Spain to The Gambia, Ms. Ana Gracia Gallego, in his office in Banjul on Monday 21st September 2020. Ms. Gallego was there to pay a courtesy call on the Foreign Minister.

Dr. Tangara in his remark welcomed the Spanish Charge d’Affaires to The Gambia and assured her of Government’s strong commitment to collaborate and work with the Spanish Government for the development of both countries. He said collaboration is needed in lot of areas but most especially in the fight against human trafficking. He called for partnership in the process of sensitisation.

Commenting on the position of her Government, Charge d’Affaires Ana Gracia Gallego said efforts are underway to collaborate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice to trace and apprehend traffickers in The Gambia and Spain.

She announced her Government will support The Gambia’s transition process adding that Spain also went through a period of transition some 40 years ago.  Ms. Gallego said hurdles on the route to attain consolidated democracy would be surmounted with commitment and perseverance.

Issued by the Communication Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Gambians Abroad
