Saturday, October 19

GALGA urges gov’t & local councils to be more considerate of citizens as covid-19 surges

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The Association has learnt with great concern, the recent escalation in the rate of COVID-19 transmission and related death. This calls for more rapid proactive actions, as the figures continue upwards daily. As we live through these trying times, our concerted efforts as a people and country is the only sustainable way forward. It is about the lives of our people. Indeed, it is about the future of our country. Hence, our ability as a sovereign people is under test.

We are aware that even before the presidential declaration to impose state of public emergency due to the pandemic, Councils have been providing support to their people in the provision of food aid and preventive materials and knapsack sprayers, complimented by mass awareness creation.  However, more pragmatic interventions are now required than ever before, as the convenience of time is currently running out slowly.

As the umbrella body of all the Local Government Authorities in the country, GALGA is enormously concerned with the fast spreading trend of transmission of COVID 19 pandemic in the country. Almost all the new confirmed cases are contracted through local transmissions which make it imperative for local ideas, including local institutions and authorities to be applied to avoid further spreading.

The lives and livelihood of the people must be the responsibility of the government as the primary duty bearer but it is also a natural duty on every citizen to adhere to the preventive measures given by health experts and relevant authorities for the benefit of all and sundry.

In line with the Local Government Act 2000 and Local Governance Decentralization frameworks, GALGA is therefore calling on The Government of The Gambia to closely work with the Local Government Authorities across the country, to allocate considerable time and resources for the provision of preventive materials to the people and where necessary, increase the provision of food aid. We also urge that they immediately engage all the decentralized structures to intensify sensitization at the level of the communities in order to strengthen their understanding of the dangers of the pandemic and how to prevent it.

Councils are also urged to increase the provision of sanitary materials at markets and to continue helping their tax payers in line with the health regulations. People must not panic but they should be regularly sensitized to understand that coronavirus is preventable if all the health precautionary measures, including regular hand washing, social distancing and wearing of facemask are observed.

Coronavirus is a serious global health-threatening concern that has now changed the world order, forcing governments to impose lock-downs and close both land and airspace to contain its spread.

GALGA will however propose a regional lockdown strategy to the Government of The Gambia for a considerable timeframe, considering the unpredictable spread of local transmission. This will allow easy management of cases and tracing of contacts of infected persons as well as control the spread of the pandemic.

In conclusion, we urge all Gambians to be on alert and remain vigilant to protect themselves, their families and others from contracting the virus. We pray that the Almighty Allah (SWT) continue to protect our beloved nation and the world and wipe this global pandemic from the face of the earth soon.

Landing B Sanneh

President, GALGA
