Monday, October 21


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A prominent supporter of the United Democratic Party (UDP), who is living in the United Kingdom, has defected to Barrow’s National People’s Party (NPP), Freedom Newspaper can report. Sulayman Jeng, a former senior police officer, has decided to leave the UDP to join the NPP. Jeng told Freedom Newspaper that his decision to join the NPP was motivated by their leader’s past statement that “Barrow is their Barrow.”

Jeng has recently been posting opinion pieces on Facebook, some of which seems to suggest that he has jumped ship to defect to Barrow’s camp. When contacted for comment, Jeng, confirmed his defection to the NPP. “Yes, indeed. I am full-fledged NPP going forward. The first reason is we were told in 2016 that Barrow is our Barrow come rain come sunshine. Additionally, Barrow despite his leadership limitations, he is focus on his NDP by rolling out development to forgotten regions in the Gambia such as URR, Kiang and the North Band. We have also seen with pleasure how he has graduated from engaging in petty talks intended to distract him and make unelectable,” Jeng told me in a Facebook messenger chat.

Jeng has also raised the issue of lack respect and decorum among the UDP supporters. He said the supporters of that party have been using social media to disrespect political figures such as PDOIS’s Halifa Sallah, President Adama Barrow and others. He doesn’t want to be associated with such a party, whose supporters are in the business of chastising, and harassing their opponents on social media.

“Finally, we all see how some UDP supporters disrespect Hon Halifa Sallah and President Barrow on the social media. No want picks up a dagger and reaches for their necks. But just contradict Hon Darboe and they all come running after you like hunger lions for dead meat. If they can behave like that out of government, what will they not do in government?” Jeng queried.

Jeng, a native of Basse, contends that the belligerent behavior of the UDP supporters doesn’t tell well for a party, that is aspiring to rule The Gambia one day. He says some supporters of that party are not heeding to their leader’s advice for respect and decorum to be observed within and outside the party.

Jeng thinks that President Barrow is a democratic leader, who is ruling the country with humility and respect for the rule of law.

“Similarly, we all witnessed his tolerance. He is a Democrat of all seasons. For instance, if he was a dictator as insinuated in some quarters, he would have influence the Ya Kumba Jaiteh case against him. His government lost three significant cases under Ba Tambedou. Assume it was Jammeh?,” he posited.

“Some argue he does not give us democracy and freedom. Fair enough but it is not the state that facilitates such guarantees of freedom. We live under Jammeh for 22 years, yet our freedom and democracy were compromised. Where were the people that gave us democracy and freedom under Barrow while Jammeh was at State House?,” he asked.

Some UDP online Facebook talk show hosts have been picking on Jeng during their shows. One of them Saihou Saidyly, told his followers on Thursday that he wouldn’t want to mention Jeng’s name because in his own words, by doing so he might dignify him.

The UDP host, during his hours long rant, has called on his party to consider screening people joining the party. He said he was one of those who had welcomed Jeng into the UDP, when he joined them. He says it is not a crime to welcome the likes of Jeng into the party. Though he sounded as if he was disappointed with Jeng’s move to part ways with the UDP.

The sacked fraudster former Gambian Diplomat Bamba Mass in a Facebook page posting said: Sulayman Jeng, I am pleading with you, leave NPP! That house is burning, and your brother is broke with no money to pay for surgery.”

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