Friday, October 18


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The former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh had onetime conceived a secret plot to kill the then President elect Adama Barrow, so that he could invalidate the December 2016 Presidential elections. He had in mind to install Businessman Pa Njie Girigara to serve as an interim President after the assassination of Adama Barrow, but Mr. Njie wouldn’t accept Jammeh’s offer, Pa Njie Girgara told Freedom Radio Gambia’s prime time Sunday Leral show in a phone interview.

Jammeh had sent an emissary to Pa Njie Girigara during Gambia’s month long political impasse to communicate his desire to install him as an interim President after the killing President elect Barrow.

“General Badjie was Jammeh’s emissary to me. Jammeh had assigned General Badjie, AKA Karafa Bojang, to inform me, that he wanted to install me, as an interim President because he (Jammeh) had hatched a plot to kill Adama Barrow. The message was delivered to me by Pateh Jallow. Pateh told me that he was asked by General Badjie to disseminate Jammeh’s message to me. I declined the offer. I asked Pateh whether he knew me as a killer, and he responded in the negative. I refused to be part of any plot to take President Barrow’s life. Pa Jallow is here, you can call him and ask him, he will confirm what I am telling you,” Mr. Girigara remarked.

Pateh was fired from the NDEA. He was the former Deputy Director of the National Drug Enforcement Agency (NDEA).

His late brother Sergeant Ello Jallow was said to have been murdered by Jammeh’s jungullars. Ello was among the bodyguards of the former First Lady Zeinab Souma Jammeh.

Pateh was rehired after Pa Njie had briefed Barrow about Jammeh’s plot to assassinate him. He is the Deputy Commander of police operations.

Both Pa Njie and Pateh Jallow were in the same political party GDC.

Pateh Jallow is General Badjie’s in law. One of his relatives Fatou Jallow was married to General Badjie.

Fatou Jallow’s brother Lieutenant Yusupha Jallow is an army lawyer. He works at the AG Chambers.

Pa Njie Girigara doesn’t know why General Badjie would channel such a “sensitive information” through General Saul Badjie for Pateh Jallow to pass the information to him.

“Pateh told me that he was sent by General Badjie. I told him that I am not a killer and would not take part in such an operation. During my meeting with President Barrow I disclose what I am telling you to him. I was in tears when I narrated the story to him. Dodou Sano was present when I disclosed to President Barrow that Jammeh was potting to kill him. Barrow was shocked. He wondered as to why would Jammeh wanted kill him. I told him that it was me and Pateh Jallow who saved his life. Pateh was reinstated after my meeting with the President,” Mr. Njie explained.

For more on the story, tune in to today’s Leral show.

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