Friday, October 18


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The social media Whatsapp audio message that is currently circulating suggesting that two Gambian ladies have been arrested in Kuwait, is false and totally unfounded, Freedom Newspaper can authoritatively report. The false information was disseminated by a man, with a Sierra Leonean accent. It was later circulated by the “Bayo News network” whose owner is a supporter of the United Democratic Party (UDP). One of the ladies, who was alleged to have been arrested, has contacted the Freedom Newspaper to debunk the social media lies being peddled against her and Fatou Ceesay. “I have not been arrested. It is a fake news. Both Fatou Ceesay and I are walking freely in Kuwait. We have not been arrested. As I speak to you, Fatou Ceesay is at work. I couldn’t go to work today because I had a headache. The news of our arrest is not only false, but totally unfounded,” Ndey Cham told me in the local Wollof dialect.

Ndey Cham traveled to Kuwait in 2015. She works there as a house maid. She said she was never trafficked into the oil rich Arab nation.

“I was shocked to hear from a man, who sounded like a Sierra Leonean, falsely claiming that Fatima and I have been arrested in Kuwait. I do not know this man. I do not know, why is he fabricating about an arrest, which has never happened. We are living here in Kuwait as free migrants. I am right now sitting in an air-conditioned room. What is being reported about us is false,” she added.

According to Ndey Cham, it was in the month of Ramadan, that she and Fatou Ceesay, had sent their passport size photographs to The Gambian Embassy in Saudi Arabia, and requested to be issued emergency passports. She and Ms. Ceesay are planning to return home.

“I do not know who leaked our passport pictures on Whatsapp. The photographs that were circulated on Whatsapp, were the ones, we sent to The Gambian Embassy in Saudi Arabia. It was sent to one Mr. Drammeh, an official of the Embassy. We do not know who leaked the pictures. I spoke to one Saja, an official of the Embassy, who promised me that they were going to investigate the person, who must have leaked the pictures. We are not under arrest. We sent our pictures to The Gambian Embassy in Saudi Arabia, so that they can issue us an emergency passports,” she said.

“I did not give the pictures to anyone. Fatou Ceesay has also not given the pictures to anyone. Saja said the matter would be investigated,” she added.

Ndey Cham, doesn’t know the last name of Saja. She also doesn’t know the first name of Drammeh. Both officials worked at The Gambian Embassy in Saudi Arabia.

If we are not mistaken, she is referring to Saja Ceesay, of The Gambia Party for Democracy and Progress Party (GPDP). Ceesay was hired as a Diplomat, following the change of government back in 2016. He is a member of Henry Gomez’s GPDP party.

Ndey Cham has called on Gambians to treat the Whatsapp message going round as fake news.

“I am calling on my family, friends, and loved ones to ignore that fake news going round. Both Fatou Ceesay and I are safe, secure, and free,” she said.

Written By Pa Nderry M’Bai

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 919-749-6319

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