Sunday, September 22

GSA donates face masks, hand sanitizer to help in the fight against COVID-19

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The association also donated face masks to the swimming communities of Barra, Bakau and Tanji. The donation was also extended to Gambia Red Cross Society, Gambia Fire & Rescue Services, Gambia Navy, Banjul City Council, Kanifing Municipal Council and Brikama Area Council.

Saturday 22nd August 2020 – Day one

The 22nd August 2020 marked the first day for the distribution of face masks and hand sanitizers in celebrating the World Aquatics Day. The association first visited the swimming community of Barra where it donated face masks to the Alkalo of the community, the Village Development Community (VDC) of Barra, the Barra Red Cross link, the Fire Service and Navy Base in Barra. It further donated face masks and hand sanitizers to its North Bank Regional Coordinator and his family, and the two athletes of the association and their families.

On the same day, the distribution team proceeded to the swimming community of Bakau and distributed another batches of face masks to the Alkalo of the Bakau, the Fire Service Base in Bakau and the Kanifing Regional Coordinator respectively. The donation handed over to the athletes and their families included face masks and hand sanitizers.

Sunday 23rd August 2020 – Day Two

On the second day of the distribution exercise of face masks and hand sanitizers, the association visited the communities of Bakoteh and Brusubi to donated another batch of  face masks and hand sanitizers to five of its athletes in that communities. The distribution team later proceeded to the Tanji Village and its surroundings, where most of its athletes reside). In this community, the association donated face masks to the Alkalo of Tanjai Village, the Village Development Community (VDC) of Tanji, the Fire Service and Navy base in Tanji. The team also gave face masks and hand sanitizers to the West Coast Regional Coordinator and his family. In addition, eight of its athletes in Tanji and their families benefited from the same hand out.

Monday 24th August 2020 – Day Three

On the last day of the distribution, the association first visited the homes of its coaches, executive members, and other officials (and their families) and provided them with face masks and hand sanitizers. After which the distribution team proceeded to some institutions like the Gambia Fire & Rescue Services, Banjul City Council, The Gambia Navy, Gambia Red Cross Society, Kanifing Municipal Council, and Brikama Area Council.

The entire exercise was in commemoration of the association’s annual FINA World Aquatics Day celebration, a day which celebrates and encourages the power of aquatic sports for social well being and development in all corners of the world. As well, promotes the masses around the globe to participate in physical activity in water; whether in pools, rivers, lakes or the open seas. All geared towards building an active society and as well help in fighting the increasing rate of sea drowning.

It was an important exercise in helping the association fulfill it social responsibilities in preventing the wide spread of the COVID-19.

The first phase of the exercise distributed 600 face masks, while the second (2) phase is expected to distribute another batch of 400 face-masks.
