Friday, October 18

Letters: Keep The Politics Out Of Covid-19

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Dear editor,

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In approximately 300 words, I want to draw attention to a cardinal point on the spread of Covid-19 infection within the population – Keep the politics out. Certainly, this is not the time for self-serving politics trying to pin the explosion of cases on the vision, competence, or resolve of the Barrow administration. Containment response is a shared responsibility, and that includes the cooperation of the public. I for one remember with perfect memory that certain NAMs derided the ideas of a state of public emergency last month, and think that, first and foremost, they should acknowledge their error and, at the very least, join in/initiate public sensitisation efforts, to counter the public skepticism they had (unwittingly) helped amplify. As for CSOs which have waded into the centre of the political debate, they need to be reminded about the fine line between policy advocacy and playing politics. Lobbying and advocacy, especially constructive engagement with public institutions such as the National Assembly (especially its Select Committee on Health), NGO Affairs Agency, MOICI, etc., is what is expected from credible CSOs. Astute readers will not stand for settling of political scores in the guise of public interest. Issuing ultimatums to the president looks like a very bad idea to me. I believe Dr. Samateh is eminently qualified to speak on the subject at all time and places, and address concerns and questions raised.

That said, if anyone has good ideas or tangible resources, I urge them to share with competent authorities, responders and community members. Kudos to GID for on-going operations addressing the problematic issue of illegal entry into the country. Kudos also to group of young people underwriting costs for the fumigation of Banjul (a major travel hub), and the distribution of face masks over the past week-end. God bless the souls of those who have perished from Covid-19 health complications.

RR Jones,

Leadership deficiency in the face of scourge

Dear editor,

The masses are eager to search for successful solutions for their leaders in the face of the problems and problems. Unfortunately, the Gambia seems to lack a symbol to lead by a time when it can significantly help the coronavirus, as confirmed cases reached the threshold of a thousand since the first case was reported last March. In this context, social media platforms overcrowded with calls to President Barrow to go out public and address the nation in light of the steady increase in [email protected] cases, note that Gambian leader is undergoing self-isolation for more than two weeks After his deputy Dr. was injured Aisha Tori with the virus, along with a number of government ministers. However, the results of the President’s examination were negative, as the result of his recent vice-president’s examination showed negative. However, the two leaders are still out of sight amidst an illusion of anxiety and despite by masses who drink and turn to their leaders to get out of the bottle’s neck.

The recent declaration of a state of emergency was mentioned in a press release issued by a spokesman of the government, which provoked public resentment. Clearly, this step involves a growing separation between the general public and the president, in the face of the most serious crisis facing the nation. The power vacuum has worsened amid reports that the Speaker of Parliament is also on sick leave for more than three weeks.
In the same framework, Gambia party issued a loud statement today warning Gambian leader that he can’t sit in the backseat and expect a miracle to happen.

For their part, supporters of the President defend his failure to address the nation, pointing out that he is in self-isolation, and therefore cannot be sufficiently informed about the latest developments. In contrast, the Canadian Prime Minister has been addressing the nation on a daily basis even though he was in self isolation after making sure his sanctuary was infected with Covid-19. not only reassured his people constantly, but also put out firmness Huge aid to save citizens and businesses that have been negatively affected by the epidemic. President Barrow can also use remote video communication tools to interact with his government ministers and senior assistants to surround what’s going on, being at the top of the country’s political pyramid.

Gambia’s response to the epidemic has largely been characterized by inconsistent and incoherent policies. After repeatedly extending the state of public emergency, the President recently cancelled the state of emergency and replaced it with a set of regulations authorizing the Minister of Health to take all necessary measures to reduce the epidemic. However, with the increase in infections even among ministers, the government has urgently announced a new public emergency including a curfew. This move prompted some critics to point out that the latest action came when the pandemic hit the heart of the government itself.

While some citizens criticize Parliament because of the majority of deputies’ reluctance to cooperate with the executive for political reasons, legislators who opposed the extension of the state of emergency raised questions about the seriousness of the executive power in addressing the epidemic, referring to propaganda and political campaigns involving party supporters The patriotic people newly created by the president amid the pandemic. They also expressed concerns about the possibility of abuse of the President’s exceptional powers. Critics also argue that the country’s response to the pandemic is like corruption and that funds allocated to combat the virus have been largely poorly managed.
Take this opportunity to appeal to the people to obey and abide by the guidelines and guidelines to contain the pandemic, and stop denying the existence of the virus, because it is right as they speak.
Anyway, Gambia is in a deep crisis and the Gambian leader should engage all stakeholders, including political party leaders, religious leaders and community leaders to get out of the current swamp!

Basidia M Drammeh

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