Wednesday, October 23

Presidential Media Officer, Sanna Camara resigns

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Presidential Media Officer, Sanna Camara, has resigned from his position. Camara, in a social media post on Tuesday, said statehouse no longer holds values in running matters of the state.

“Having come from a private media background, I joined government purposely to contribute to strengthening democracy, national interests, truth, and justice for the people of the Gambia, “he said. “Evidently, those values no longer hold meaning in running matters of the state. I, therefore, have no option but to tender my resignation effective today.”

Camara’s resignation came days after parliament voted against the new draft constitution, a move adamantly opposed by majority Gambians,

Still, Sanna’s resignation once again put a spotlight on a seeming discord inside the statehouse Communications team. Amie Bojang Sissoho apparently was not in odor of sanctity with Sanna Camara. While Amie complains that Sanna was insubordinating her, the latter replied by expressing his disdain for a government that employed him for two years and half on a mere probation contract.

Yet, the former Media officer said, “It has been both an exciting and challenging experience working as Media Officer, Office of the President over the past two years and four months.”
