Monday, October 21

SCF Donates Bags Of Rice To Brusubi

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By Saidou Baldeh

The Smiling Coast Foundation Saturday donated hundred bags of rice to communities in Brusubi.

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The donation was meant to ease the pressure on families during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Speaking at the presentation, the foundation’s manager, Dr Ahmon Keller Brad Shaw said they hoped that the donation will help mitigate the hardship families face during the Covid-19.

She said the foundation has done”a lot for needy people in the country and they are ready to continue supporting people during the pandemic.”
“This is not the first time we are supporting needy families during the Covid-19 and we will continue to do more. We believe giving charity is part of fulfilling our corporate social responsibility,” she said.

She urged other Gambians who have the means to support the needy especially during trying times like the Covid-19 pandemic.
The foundation’s CEO Bubacarr Manneh said his foundation is always happy to put smiles on the faces of the needy Gambians.

“The foundation was formed recently to support the under privilege. It is a non-profit organization and one of its main objectives is to help the needy. We also support students fulfil their educational dreams because we believe no pupil should drop out of school due to school fee constraints,” he added.

He said the foundation is aware that 60% of Gambians live below the poverty line.
“This is what is encouraging us to do more towards nation building to complement government’s effort. Whenever we are making donation, we do our assessment to know the people who really need help,” he added.

He also said they are planning to visit more underprivileged families in the coming months.
Bakary Ceesay of SCF called on the Gambia government to support the foundation “as our main intention is to complement their efforts.”

“The foundation will be partnering with the New Freedom project in Atlanta Georgia which will be pushing forward programmes that will highlight other issues in The Gambia, such as child trafficking and the need for cultural tourism which will connect Africa and the Global Diasporas,” he noted.

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