Friday, October 18

Senegal to import 800,000 rams ahead of ‘Tobaski’ – The Point Newspaper

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Edition: Sunday, July 5, 2020 at 3:43 PM

Senegal is set to import 800, 000 rams from neighbouring countries for the Ei-dul Adha, an annual Muslim feast locally called ‘Tobaski’, which is just a month ahead, the Senegalese media reported yesterday, quoting a press release from the government.

Meanwhile, the Senegalese Ministry of Health yesterday reported 132 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the total to 6, 545; 116 deaths and 2, 263 under treatment.

At least 6 female nurses from Serign Abdoul Aziz hospital in Tivaoune have tested positive for the virus.

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