Saturday, October 19

Three Gambia government ministers test positive for Covid-19

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Three cabinet members in Gambia have contracted the coronavirus—just days after Vice President Isatou Touray was diagnosed with Covid-19.


Finance Minister Mambury Njie, Petroleum and Energy Minister Fafa Sanyang and Agriculture Minister Amie Fabureh have all tested positive, in an announcement made by the presidency on social media late Sunday night.

After Touray, 65, was diagnosed last Wednesday, President Adama Barrow said he would be quarantining himself.

Although Gambia registered its first case on 24 March with a woman who travelled from Britain to Gambia, the cases have not risen rapidly until a spike in late July.

Gambians have been required to wear masks since mid-July and public gatherings have been cancelled, which put a damper on celebrating Eid last week.

According to Africa Centres for Disease and Prevention, Gambia has registered 498 cases and nine deaths as of Saturday.
