Saturday, October 19

Three Gambian ministers test positive for COVID-19

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BANJUL (Reuters) – Three cabinet ministers in Gambia have tested positive for COVID-19, the presidency said, in a further sign the virus is ripping though the corridors of power after the nation’s vice president tested positive last week.

President Adama Barrow is in self isolation for the next two weeks, the presidency said last week, after Vice President Isatou Touray tested positive.

Now, finance minister Mambureh Njie, energy minister Fafa Sanyang and agriculture minister Amie Fabureh have also been infected by the virus, the presidency said in a statement late on Sunday.

The statement gave no detail on the state of the ministers’ health.

Gambia, mainland Africa’s smallest country, has recorded 498 cases of COVID-19 with nine related deaths, the lowest totals in West Africa.

Reporting By Pap Saine; Writing by Edward McAllister; Editing by Bill Berkrot

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