Wednesday, May 15

@DrIsmailBadjie: Good Morning.Today is a good day to get vaccinated in The #Gambia.Find the closest @MohGambia designated location and get the shot!#ourcommonenemy #VaccinesSaveLives ?by @AllyLush ??

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Good Morning.Today is a good day to get vaccinated in The #Gambia.Find the closest @MohGambia designated location and get the shot!#ourcommonenemy #VaccinesSaveLives ?by @AllyLush ??– Ismail (@DrIsmailBadjie) August 6, 2021Good Morning.Today is a good day to get vaccinated in The #Gambia.Find the closest @MohGambia designated location and get the shot!#ourcommonenemy #VaccinesSaveLives ?by @AllyLush ??– Ismail (@DrIsmailBadjie) August 6, 2021
