Sunday, May 19

@jonathanUNICEF: Today I saw good things during the #COVID19 vax campaign at Sukuta Health Center. @UNICEFGambia encourages Gambians to get vaccinated as a way to control the pandemic. ?? to @MoHCovid19GMB @MohGambia #VaccinesWork #VaccinesSaveLives @UNICEFSupply @MariePierre_P @gavi

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Today I saw good things during the #COVID19 vax campaign at Sukuta Health Center. @UNICEFGambia encourages Gambians to get vaccinated as a way to control the pandemic. ?? to @MoHCovid19GMB @MohGambia #VaccinesWork #VaccinesSaveLives @UNICEFSupply @MariePierre_P @gavi– Gordon Jonathan Lewis (@jonathanUNICEF) July 17, 2021Today I saw good things during the #COVID19 vax campaign at Sukuta Health Center. @UNICEFGambia encourages Gambians to get vaccinated as a way to control the pandemic. ?? to @MoHCovid19GMB @MohGambia #VaccinesWork #VaccinesSaveLives @UNICEFSupply @MariePierre_P @gavi– Gordon Jonathan Lewis (@jonathanUNICEF) July 17, 2021
