Friday, May 17

@MohGambia: As we intensify our community engagement program, more and more people living in the border communities of the North Bank Region are coming out in numbers to get vaccinated against #Covid19, thanks to the tremendous support from @IOMGambia #COVID19Vaccine is safe and effective

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As we intensify our community engagement program, more and more people living in the border communities of the North Bank Region are coming out in numbers to get vaccinated against #Covid19, thanks to the tremendous support from @IOMGambia #COVID19Vaccine is safe and effective– Ministry of Health Gambia (@MohGambia) December 15, 2021As we intensify our community engagement program, more and more people living in the border communities of the North Bank Region are coming out in numbers to get vaccinated against #Covid19, thanks to the tremendous support from @IOMGambia #COVID19Vaccine is safe and effective– Ministry of Health Gambia (@MohGambia) December 15, 2021
