Monday, June 3

Sports Ambassador Jaiteh dresses GAF FC

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Goodwill ambassador for sports and former Gambian international footballer Tijan Jaiteh through his foundation recently donated sports gears to the Gambia Armed Forces Football Club, GAF FC at a ceremony attended by CDS Lt General Yakuba Drammeh and staff.

Receiving the items CDS Drammeh thanked Ambassador Jaiteh for a magnanimous gesture to the Armed Forces, that he said, will help motivate the sports department of the army in general.

The Gambia Armed Forces has a robust sports department with a strong first division football club,  volleyball and athletics teams among others. The army is a record holder in many events in the annual May Day Sports notably in the Tug of War. The Gambia has also participated in world military games with flying colours.

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Ambassador Jaiteh said the sports materials are intended to boost morale among the soldiers who have taken sports as both their professional and past time activities so that they can achieve even greater success.

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